Aparna Raja
@TryLife · 4:19

Do looks really matter ?

You do looks really matter? I know the decency in this wants to say no, but logic knows that it matters. Looks do matter. Now, when I say, look, let me correct myself, let me clarify myself. I'm not talking about someone who's extremely beautiful and good looking and genetically blessed. No, I'm not talking about that
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:39
Thank you, Parna. You have raised a very valid point. I would call this the aura of a person, you know, when a person walks up to you, and if I find the aura to be nice, comforting and pleasant, I would smile and open up to that person. But if the aura is negative or repulsive, I would definitely, they shrink away. So I think that is what I have to say today and keep swelling and keep in touch. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:10
But still, that is something like as soon as a person sees you based on your looks, he gets or such certain impression on you. And that is related to human psychology. We can't change it. Anyway, that is something I believe in. Thank you
Sowmya Narayani S
@SowmyanarayaniS · 4:04


And I think as a fellow human being, it is our responsibility to, you know, help whatever we can to make the other person feel better so that they can look better. This point is irrelevant, I guess, for this particular topic, which you have posted now. But anyways, I just wanted to say my point. Thank you. Thank
Aparna Raja
@TryLife · 1:03


Yes, I understand what you're trying to say, challa. That is very true. I think it is part of human psychology, like you rightly pointed out, where we judge people by their appearances and it's part of our survival. Like I've mentioned, this is the image that people project and in several places this plays a major role, especially in places like interviews and so on. The minute someone walks in, we're already judging them by the way they are dressed. We judge
Aparna Raja
@TryLife · 0:13


Thank you Soumya. I think that was a very very interesting take. Where there is, it matters but then it is our responsibility to actually be more mindful of what is it that we are looking for. I think that's a wonderful take. Thank you soumya
Jyo 18/81
@Piscean_diary · 3:02
But I had my perception that he's coming to cause some harm to me and on the contrary, in a similar experience, one of my friend was robbed by a good looking, well groomed, well dressed individual was sitting along with her in the train while she was traveling to a different state. She got comfortable for the fact that that person looked really good, well groomed, educated
Aparna Raja
@TryLife · 0:56


Hi Joe. I completely resonate with that thought that you just shared, and that's one of the tales which really struck a chord with me, because it can happen to anyone. Like you rightly pointed out of that person looking so meager and running towards you and scaring you, and then the person who looks so good that you don't really think of them as someone capable of doing bad. And isn't that what they use against it? Against us?
If the hairs are nicely combed, yes. If he or she is fairly dressed, yes. I have seen a lot of cases where lot, many people just rely too much on the way they dress up, assuming that is going to cover up the attitude or the demanded skill sets or the person's interest. So it's a balance of everything you carry that consolidate as looks
Shiva Guru N
@arulmozhivarman · 4:59
So if you are talking about appearances for women, being judged by appearances, especially overweight women, you have to talk about bald men getting judged. It's incredible. And people who are getting a tough break or men who are getting a break late in their life, like, let's say mid 30s, what will they do?