Trish Cole
@trishcole · 1:01

#BookReview | A book that had a big impact on my life is

article image placeholder#BookReview | A Swell Prompts page
So remember that, like, even if you're working or whatever you're doing, remember that it is an assignment for you and from the universe, no matter how it looks. So if you haven't read the book the surrender experiment by Michael Singer, read it. And if you have read it already, read it again. It is so powerful. Thank you for your time

#BookReview #sppbkrvwp3 @books https://s.swell.life/SU9eN1gLilKL8eV #books

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:09
Okay, great. I just found your part two when I was commenting how you cut off in the part one. But yes, again, just yes. Thanks for sharing