Tricia Johansson
@tricia · 1:23

Tricias Micro Podcast | An update!

Hello. I know I haven't posted anything here and that is not because I have like forgotten about the app or something like that. It's simply because I lost my voice a few weeks ago and it has been going on for weeks. I don't know what the condition is called in English, but sometimes it's happened to me that I just lose my voice and I can't get any sound out of my throat for some reason

Just a boring but necessary update!

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:14
Hey, thanks for the update, and I hope you feel better. You sound good. And, yeah, of course. Take your time. We're here cooking up more prompts, so. No worries. Whenever you're ready. Swell. We'll welcome you back