Hi, everyone. We find ourselves at the end of another week closing in on A Year of The Pandemic, and I hope you all are hanging in. I wanted to post because I'm watching literally in the middle of it watching, and I got so excited I wanted to share with you all the reunion of the first cast of The Real World on Paramount Plus, which I think is also CBS All Access

The Real World, MTV, reality TV

Neal Damiano
@NealD · 0:35
Hi, Celia. I also loved the original Realworld New York, and I'm not going to go into a whole diatribe on it because I just posted my own post about it. But if you can curious to see what I experienced watching The Real World New York Homecoming Reunion, you could go to my page and listen to my swell on the excitement I have for The Realworld World New York Reunion. Hope you listen to it. Thanks. Bye