Tamara Mays
@TheTamachan · 4:36

It’s all about Love

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Hey, everyone. How's it it is well, after midnight here in Volcano, Hawaii, and, oh, I felt like now was a good time. I don't really know why exactly now, but the timing just feels right. So I figured, let's talk about love real quick. I am working on building an educational grow food nonprofit and building my tribe, an actual real tribe

This is my first invitation to join the #nonprofit #growfood #education #activism #TruenTribe. This is my very first #calltoaction, hope you’ll join

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:24


There are so many things you said that strike me and inspire me and motivate me to sort of look at the base message of yours and just celebrate it, because there's such an interconnectedness between community and sustainability and spiritual growth, and you sort of live in that incredible vortex. And, of course, Hawaii has such an incredible, powerful source to celebrate all that. So it sounds like what you're building is amazing
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:39
Hi, Tamara. I'm flooded with thoughts and emotions after listening to your Swell. I think this came at a perfect time, or I just feel, like, very touched by it because I have been feeling maybe not as connected to the oneness of everything. And to hear your voice so passionately talk about what you care about and, like, the positive impact that you want to make in the world and how you want to invite people and do these system adjacent things to better humanity
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J Wang
@jsmwang · 0:42
Wow. This is such a beautiful mission that you have. And it's so inspiring to me that you have a place that you created this space and has such a distinct vision for it. I'm really curious to to what led you on this path and how that's huge that you've created such a wonderful space and you're ready to invite people in. Yeah. And I would just love to hear how I'm and how that happened and how you found your path and
Jack .
@zejacques · 1:37
So again, around Hawaii, I'm wondering if any of your permaculture or food growing will involve some of the aquaculture around Hawaii, whether it's fish or seaweed, lots of really great seaweed there. And in terms of supporting you or what you're about, I would love to chat more about growing food and what it would take to how much food output it would take to support eight families. Because I'm sure you've had to think about that
Zaire Ukuu
@zaireukuu · 1:24
Hey, Tamara, I just wanted to say that I fully support your idea of unification through one simple idea or faith, and also, you know, wanted to grow self preservation, food growth, things of that nature. Basically, what you're saying is just self efficiency. And we do need to get back to that a lot of things. We need to spread more love and also take care of ourselves. With better love than to take care of ourselves
Tamara Mays
@TheTamachan · 0:26


Hello. Good evening. So glad to hear from everyone. It's been so nice to just hear all of your lovely voices and the feedback that I've been getting on. Swell. Thank you so much. The book title is The True iNSolution Change Your Life With Love and you can actually get it on Amazon. Hope you have a great day. Bye
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Tamara Mays
@TheTamachan · 3:21

@zejacques check out Road to the Sea in Ka’u, Hi to see on google maps! Ppl like yourself are key to the vision! Thanks for saying hi! 😚🙏🏾 7.5acres!

It's not even really paved. And at the very bottom, because it's like 8 miles long. At the very bottom is the green sand dunes. And it's like, how do you even describe it? That's close to an edge of where the currents head from South Point and whip around the island towards Captain Cook and Kona
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Jack .
@zejacques · 0:29
Hey Tomacheon, thank you so much for updating us and sharing. That super interesting to hear. The crayfish sounds delicious. I want to eat someone right now. Yeah, I'm oyster farming some growing shellfish too. So if you've ever got any questions, questions or just want to converse about growing shellfish and seafood, let me know. And likewise, I'd love to hear your progress reports and the yield on the food that you're growing through the community