D. Michelle
@theneekedtruth · 0:49

#Perspective | The AI revolution is going to...

And sometimes I do make it and sell it to people. I think whatever you type and whatever comes out is of your creation, not just AI. So you all have fun with that. Have fun with it

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp3 @arish

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:16
I'm really interested in this perspective because I think it's very different from the one that I have. So I would love to hear, like, when you started making art with AI and what draws you to it, what's most interesting about it to
D. Michelle
@theneekedtruth · 0:30


I started making it late last year and draw me tool is like you can make anything and it just pops out with color. And I use it on my art page I use here for my podcast. My picture is actually AI art. And on my personal page you could just make anything and then just write a caption about it and describe it. I really love it