Alix Rant
@the2024me · 1:49

2023 Just Go

I think more than anything, we see how much our lives revolve around work, career, college, and all these things that are supposed to ultimately make us happy. But I see kids killing themselves in college. I mean, stressing themselves out because they can't become something that they never wanted to be in the first place. That just breaks my heart

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt @dbpardes #depression #stress #hope

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:32

#career #work #happiness #joy

And if not, it's totally cool. We have to find joy and the satisfaction of getting what we need, getting our needs met, I think, anyway, and doing something that we enjoy to some degree can make the process of earning a living much more enjoyable, as you know. So however you find that joy, I say hold on to it