H Beezy
@Th3Adv0cat3 · 5:00

The Journey

Depending on how you spend that day, that's up to you. But know this there's no wrong way to spend that day, because you don't know. You don't know the right way to do something. You don't know the wrong way to do something. The only thing you know is that you got to push forward. You got to move on. You got to do what you got to do to get through that day. That's the only thing you know

#whitenoise #info #journey #jist #pmptpt

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:32
And then if it's in your right, it's like, beware of what your thought process was, because it might not be a good one. That's what I've heard. Just wanted to throw that out there. When I do get rain in my ear, I try to pay attention now. So, yeah. Thanks for sharing your views and your journey