Christopher Melkus
@teenmethuselah · 2:08

Swell and picture uploads

But I guess the photo thing is just easier to do. That's an easier feature to add. But I'm hoping that this well, folks are working on some more audio related features is what I would like particularly. It'd be nice to be able to actually upload audio directly because to be honest, the features are lacking. Like I can't upload background music or anything like that. So just being able to upload audio directly would be super helpful for that. I don't know
Barely ‎
@barely · 1:07
But just having the ability to at least in your main post to use uploaded files, I mean, for replies I can get. Okay, you don't need to upload anything, but just as a main post would be really to be able to do something creative with it like maybe add some background sounds or things like that when you're creating a story or some ambience or something like that. Yeah, I agree