Trudy Rech
@TBR · 1:38

#MyProfile | Trudy Rech

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You. Hi, I'm Trudy. I love raccoons, nature, history, geopolitics, and a lot of things. I paint. I went to art school. I became a medical professional. And right now, I'm continuing to explore how and why the world is in such a tizzy, why it is so unsettled. So I'm here enjoying this swell, and I urge people to look up an author by the name of Anthony C. Sutton. Look at his books on Amazon

#FirstSwell Retired. Interested in nature, art, music, critical, thinking, science based medicine, AI, geopolitics, history & heck of a lot more.

Susanna Hutcheson
@SensibleEnsign · 1:27
I'm glad to hear from you, Trudy, and welcome aboard. I know you've already been around here, but it's good to have you officially and I enjoyed your introduction. You may or may not know it, but Swell has some private meeting rooms for two people or a group or whatever. You might want to check those out sometime. I can't remember how they're listed, but they're pretty easy to find