Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:55

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived...

And I've seen people with doctorates and master's degrees, high ranking executives of companies posting online saying it's been 23456 months and I have not had so much as a single job offer and I've submitted 100, 200, 300 applications. To me, that's a problem that needs to be solved. It's not a mystery that I want to let unravel and just kind of see where the cards land

#sdp24Mar22 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @arish

@homosanity · 4:57
And what Joseph Campbell was getting at is that essentially, without saying it outright, you're not God, you can't control it. And some things have to be lived through in order to really learn it. When I was younger, well, I was bullied a lot and so I was always standing outside of things, looking in on life. And then I became very ultra religious as well. And that isolated me. And I didn't do certain things because of my religious beliefs
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:13


I also think that I encountered a lot of issues at a young age that people tend to not have to face until they're older. And I don't want to go into those too much. But it's interesting thinking about where I'm at now and where I was maybe when I was 1516 years old, because I'd love to be able to say to myself, boy, you just strap in for this roller coaster ride and enjoy the destination, right?
@homosanity · 1:08


You. Yeah. That's a very interesting perspective on that. Thank you for sharing. That gives me pause to think. It's kind of like the question, what comes first, the chicken or the egg kind of thing? Because then, you know, I is the problem solving part of the universe working? Who knows? I don't know. But I really like that it gives me pause to think because I definitely know some things in my life. It's part of definitely being bullied