Sylvia Stein
@sylstein07 · 4:51

Happy Tuesday What are some ways you prepare for your day

article image placeholderAll about the mixtape #nkotb
A lot of it has to do with kids now being on devices and not doing the chores that they're supposed to do when they're at home. And I told her to send herself and what she wanted to do and what her intentions were for the day, whether it's clean up her closet or her clothes or get some stuff done aside from the leisure things that we love to do. So for me, I started meditating


Cassidy Waterson
@cassidywat · 2:35
I think I've changed my morning routine throughout the years, but right when I wake up, I wouldn't say it's, like, meditate necessarily, but I definitely want to start my day with a good, fresh headspace. So I'll kind of just honestly try to make my first thought of the day to just be like, all right, we're waking up. It's going to be a good day. I'm happy about this and that
Sylvia Stein
@sylstein07 · 4:38


I get very distracted, and this has helped me to be more in tune with what I'm doing and then set my day up the way it goes. So I really loved hearing about your morning routine. And if you just get up and you get, like, startled, it just kind of goes with your day as well, I noticed when I don't affirm myself, when I just kind of gets more chaotic as I go