Morning Swell this well is about abuse. Many of us have been subject to this in the form of unwanted advances at different points in our life. Our vision for Swell is to create a safe space to have thoughtful and and thought provoking conversations, intellectual conversations, fun conversations. There are other forms and forums for other types of interactions, so if you, as an individual is interested in personal relationships, dating, or hooking up, we encourage you to look at those other forums

If you downloaded Swell for dating or hooking up, we encourage you to delete the app now! if you have been subject to unwanted advances, please listen

Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:36

1. Block the user

First block the user go to your profile page, which is the last tab at the bottom of the footer, and select the triple dot menu that you will see after you know your Follow Follow account. This will open up a menu in which you can select settings, and in your settings you will find Block unblock users. Go ahead and add the user or users you wish to block in your block list
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:21

2. Report the Swell for abuse

Second, go to the private swell in which you are contacted and select the Triple Dot menu and select report reported to us so we can take action against the individual by suspending them from swell
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:12

3. Leave the conversation

Third, leave the private Swell conversation. You can do that by opening the Triple dot menu and selecting leave
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:28

4. Watch out for feature - private swells only from people I follow

In January please watch out for our new feature where in your profile settings you will find an option to only allow private swells from people you follow. So unless you follow that person, they cannot private value. Please watch out for that feature and when it becomes available, please enable it if you so wish
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:14

Suggestions? Please tell us!

If you have any more recommendations, please let us know over here and our product team will review it and take it into consideration. Thank you all for your support
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:24
Good job, Sudha. Very good job. I'm glad somebody did that. I'm glad somebody did it because we need a space where we can, you know, just talk without all the sexual bullshit and games that go on
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 0:55

Thank you!!

I've ignored it and or just deleted the conversation. But in the future, if I get anything like that, I will definitely report it to you. And, yeah, I actually need to report someone who had commented on as well that we were chatting about a book. It was just a random comment. I was like, what the but let me look into that. But yeah, no, this is good. I'm glad you just stated it. That Swell is not a dating app