Sujit Lalwani
@sujitlalwaniĀ Ā·Ā 4:39

How schooling shall get impacted with AI

It is surely going to make it end. The later we come into this realization and implementation I think the more harm we are doing to the kids who are actually right now going through the process of schooling because the more we are delaying the more they'll be feeling after 20 years that it was all a loss of time for them. So I would like to know your thoughts on this and how can we actually go about implementing this on a large scale in the world

AI and its impact on schooling

Jasmeet Singh
@Jasmeet2005Ā Ā·Ā 2:35
You. Hi Sujit. I was looking forward to a spell like this for a long period of time. Like, I wanted people who just resonated with my thought process. Like, I can completely understand and relate to this. Being a student who has gone through this, all of us have gone through this rigorous system of education mission. I feel just one thing that rather than the two schools will not completely revolutionarize