Surrender to Universe and Let the LIGHT guide YOU!

Being an entrepreneur myself, the very reason that I'm an entrepreneur is probably because of the light I saw. I mean, my father was a businessman. I lost him about eight years ago, but he was into business. And the kind of circle I got involved in from childhood was a business circle. So naturally, entrepreneurship somewhere was the light that was shown to me
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:52
And help them understand the realities and teach them some things through which they'll strengthen themselves. Get a hope and start continuing their journey of life. So I truly agree with this particular statement sir. Once again, thank you for this wealth
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:28
I think it is to surrender to this larger intuitive power that we all have to get in touch with that power, right? Because we often limit ourselves to who we are or who we think ourselves to be when we are actually much, much more larger, powerful. We are a part of the universal consciousness and I think that reality needs to set in and then you find that possibilities just unfold in life
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sujit Lalwani
@sujitlalwani · 0:38
Ah, what a wonderful reply. A detailed one in fact. And I really appreciate your thoughts and the way you have tried to resonate with the original topic itself. What a wonderful example of the tree and the poet. It's so rightly said. And also the situations of life in effect eventually become the guiding light for everybody. So wonderful. I wish you all the best for the things you might be to and tons of things that you might be doing and how you have found your guiding light
Sujit Lalwani
@sujitlalwani · 1:07


And when I come across, I know that they are evolved beings on the journey of experience. They've seen the highs and the lows and embraced everything through the journey and then reached here with the perspective that they already have. And you seem to be one of them