David R Marlborough
@StrongIsland · 1:59

Chat GPT 4 observation/question

You're starting? Thought just flew into my head when I was making my last check in but really it needs its own swell obviously through various sources like YouTube and online chat, GBT, especially the newest version, version four, very popular, very on the minds of many. My own personal experience I was able to tinker around a little bit with, I think version three. Honestly I was not impressed but I could have been a short attention span based on how busy I was at the time

#AI #chatgpt #automations

Scharlette Donald
@sharlettespeaks · 1:28

#chatgpt #gpt4 #poe #claudeai

And they just added a new one today called Nevai. I haven't played with it yet, but they're all there. I like doing that because I can ask them all the same question and see what the response is. Strongly suggest. Go to po.com. It's just as you expected, just like Edgar Allanpo P O E.com and check it out. You might have an opportunity to see if you have an optimized question that you want to ask chat GPT for and see how it responds