shivansh bansal
@shivansh8 · 2:52


Hi, guys. How are you all? My name is and I'm so glad you're here. I'm so sorry for that. So thank you for listening to sir. Please like or follow Cardinal. I got a chalk out. No forcing, bro

@ #sayitonswell

Arshia Roy
@Arshiaswell123 · 0:43


Hi. Siobhan. So your swell was very quiet. I liked it. And I first got to know about this esports when I was I just started watching C dramas. There are like like many C. Dramas which are mainly based on esports, like winning those esports. Esports are very interesting, like playing and all. And I like esports, but I have never tried ones. So Karina, I would love to be in there. So, yeah, have a great day. Bye