Rohan RR
@SpecialMission · 0:48

Demarking emotional boundaries?

Hello. So I have come to a place in my life where I really know what I want. I focus only on my desires. And I just need to know how I can attract the right emotions to fulfill the desires of my life. And what emotions are stopping my desires to be fulfilled. It could be within me or it could be from the transaction with other people. Yeah. If you have something to say, just let me know. Thank you

How do I push away unwanted emotions and attract wanted emotions. I know exactly what I want as I soley act upon my desires

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:57


My name is Aishani and I'm a part of the Swell team. So along with this reply, I am going to attach a link to another Swell which I think you might surely like. So do give this, well, a listen, and if you like it, do drop a reply on it because that's how you can connect with more people on the platform and basically kickstarter casting journey. So welcome once again
article image placeholderIts okay ,not to be okay👆
Rohan RR
@SpecialMission · 1:42


I treat it as my lack of skill because as I concentrate on my desires even more, my thought goes in that direction and my emotions play out in that direction. And I perceive all the things which I've perceived wrong. I perceive it right. Yeah, I know it's too complicated for someone new to just understand. I think maybe I have to start my own podcast. And if people gradually get the vibe or listen to me frequently, I think they might be able to catch up