souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:34

Roy Wood Jr. did an EXCELLENT job at the WH Correspondents’ Dinner. This is the toughest room to do stand-up.

article image placeholderRoy Wood, Jr. COMPLETE REMARKS at 2023 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)
It. I just watched Roy Wood Jr's. Stand up at the White House correspondence dinner. I thought he did an incredible job. This is an incredibly tough film. He was really prepared and his timing was excellent. And for me, the most important part where he talked a lot about his history, about his father and then he threw to his mother at the end. Check it out. Let me know what you think. Bye

#comedy #standup #RoyWoodJr. https://s.swell.life/STcuiWEpXmNzFPV

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:46


And then he dropped into his own story, which was such a power, powerful flow for us to experience. It still boggles my mind that comedy is the way so many of us experience news. But what really was a moving moment for me was when he talked about the paywall that really is in between people and some good news reporting. And I think that it is expensive to create news and these paywalls are necessary
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:48

@DBPardes #news #comedy

You. I totally agree with you. The paywall is a major concern. And his mentioning of the lack of resources on a local level, which is, as you mentioned, is actually purposeful because it's like corporate in terms of Sinclair and people writing copy and news information that doesn't apply to the local areas. And there's no one on the street, no one on the beat. So you have a good point
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

nina gregory
@ninaberries · 0:39
It's such a good point, Deb, about the free stuff getting out, the bad stuff getting out for free. I've been thinking a lot about news subscriptions and what people are willing to pay for. There's data out that says Gymsy is willing to pay for news. And so while I think the paywall is like a blunt tool and not the greatest thing for the dissemination of important news, I think that there is a lot of room for innovation in getting people to pay for news
Farika B Redux
@FarikaB_Redux · 4:12
And he knew he can use the media to his advantage, even if it meant lying or whatever, because it would be propagated in the media. So it's just sad that now if you don't want that or if you want just a little bit more information you have to pay. And it's even worse is that even if you pay, you're still not guaranteed that you're getting thorough information