Online dating

Lots of research, a lot of I'm actually, right now, looking at some research on the Pew Research Center based on dating in 2023. Of course, they need to update it because the stats are still from 2020 to 2022, I believe. But this is what I do all day. And it is stressful sometimes, but it's very rewarding, especially when you make really good connections between people

#dating #datingconsultant

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:21
But I mean, that's kind of what happens anyway in life. So I'm not totally prejudiced against it. Although sometimes, just like on an existential level, it freaks me out a little bit and I have to delete my profiles. But, yeah, no, I got nothing against them. I do think you do have to be careful. Of course