Late night calm🍷🌙

Hello, people. So basically, I was reading a book today, A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway, such a great author. He was. And I came across a quote which was like, look at you. You are so brave and quiet. I forgot that you were suffering. And by reading this quote, it came to my mind that there are a lot of people who are suffering or basically figuring their life out. You know, it's just a mess

#mentalwellness #deadpoetsociety #writer #art

Rehan Shah
@ririshah · 1:17

Hemingway fan club

And somehow when all else failed, he still went to the Red Cross. He wanted to become at least an ambulance driver. And he performed some heroic deeds, earned himself some medals. So I would say the story of Earnest Hemingway is definitely something as cool as his works. His short story is I don't know if they can live up to the wellness. Autobiography