Shreya Mittal
@shreyaamittal · 4:01

Do looks matter?

Now, another scenario that's taken to consideration is, I guess friendships, relationships, relationships basically speaking from personal experience or things that I see around myself, whenever we talk to somebody, we have something very small maybe, but some kind of preconceived notion which has nothing to do with what they have said or what they have done to you or in front of you. But usually when we look at somebody's face, we form an opinion of our own


Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:36
But I think it's more about personality when appearing for an interview, how you carry yourself, if you put together, if you can steer the conversation confidently and you have the required skills, I think at the end of the day, that's what the recruiters are looking for. But yes, in case of relationships, the ones who are good looking according to the standards of society, I think they definitely do have an edge over the others
Divya Bhatia
@Anastasia_9 · 1:03


Hey, Sriracha. Amazing swirl card and I loved it. So what I think is naked good looks sometimes matter and sometimes don't in some situations they matter a lot like in kind of relationship and first appearance is like or something like this. A person most of all judge another person based on their looks and all in interviews, I think that looks don't matter. As you said, they judge people on their skills and grooming and everything. But in first appearances and relationships matter