Sherry Riddick
@sherry801 · 0:28

Guess this place

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I don't think you can guess this, but my friend sent me this picture. She knows I love scenes in the forest and just beautiful settings. And she always takes videos when she goes out different places. Because I love to see things like this and I want to share it. I hope you guys love it as much as I do. That sun is so huge than this. This is like, behind the trees. Okay, bye

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:32
What a beautiful picture. I love it. I guess the place I'm thinking of is upstate New York because I had a front post snow that kind of looks similar to that. Or maybe Colorado. I'm just making some guesses. I have no idea. I'm originally from California, so I'm not a snow person, but I do think it's beautiful