And when you will get tired, finally, or actually after creating such safe zones, no one gets tired. See, the bill gets, he never gets shops. He keeps developing. He hates books, man. He too much books. I knew. I can tell you, he couldn't even tell how many he had read. But he can still give you insights into each and every of them. He's a great person. So how do people like him do like this?
Shashank Chavan
@Shashank_Chavan · 5:00
They just don't have any kind of physicality in their life. People need physicality. People get depressed. People have time to, people get depressed, they have time to stress, they go for therapies, they go to doing suicides. And that's just nonsense. Talk about the early age. People do. They had time to depress, early man had time, any time to get depressed, or maybe future version called as partons, do they have time to get depressed