Scharlette Donald
@sharlettespeaks · 3:30

FTC reviewing noncompete agreements. And other issues when employees are laid off.

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Regardless of what people think about work families, they happen. You connect to people. You have lunch with them, you talk to them more than you talk to your own family, even when you work remote. And you know them intimately, you know their skill set, and you know how great they are at implementing that skill set
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 2:15
So you learn a lot from your peers, you learn a lot from the company's business model. You make a lot of connections when you're within that company with its clients, with its vendors, with its employees and so on. So there is a lot that you have that you acquire as part of being a part of that company. And it is very difficult for a company to have a key employee who has such accesses to go away to a competitor and take all that with them, right?