Scharlette Donald
@sharlettespeaks · 4:52

The Tech Layoffs Affected me. Heres how i responded

I don't know who you're going to meet along the way. This is helping to expand opportunities for me, and I want it to help for you. There's a lot of you that are HR recruiters that lost your jobs or sales engineers. Sales engineers consider finding an application you can sell independently out to startups that are looking for someone who can show them results. Win it for yourself and get that 1099 tech recruiters. Reach out to technical sourcers that cannot find people who can work

#laidoff #layoffs #techlayoffs

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:39
And I've heard from other folks in my life that have made connections on LinkedIn as well. So, yes, I got to hop on there. But thank you. This is really helpful. And I'm going to resell so other folks can hear this, but wishing you all the best