@SELVAR · 5:00

Freedom from the unknown by JK

It's the most extraordinary thing that although most of us are opposed to political tyranny and dictatorship we invariably accept the authority the tyranny for another to twist our minds and our way of life. So if we completely reject not intellectually but actually all so called spiritual authority all ceremonies, rituals and dogmas it means that we stand alone and are already in conflict with society which used to be respectable human beings. A respectable human being cannot possibly come near to that infinite, immeasurable reality you have now

Read from the book by SELVA

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:46
Hello. Thank you so much for sharing this particular swell. So your title and the content is really awesome. It's something we need to think of, I feel sometimes whatever we look and we are, whatever we see, we leave them. But it is very important to understand the importance of it and I understand the perspective through which it is own and all. And the moment you understand it, you can actually get into it and start implementing it in your own life
@SELVAR · 0:49


Thank you, madam, for your sincere understanding and kind reply. I will be continuing this topic in coming days, though not regularly. I will be doing it then and there for the benefit of myself and the people around me. J Krishnamurthy is a great author thinker and he makes us to think a lot. That's the benefit of reading JK's books. I love them. I continue to benefit from the book, his books. I hope you will also have the same benefit. Good luck
