Happy Bird
@Selina · 1:07

Gum hai kisi ke pyar mein....

You, archbish, isn't that asmasoni? Let me know how you like this one. Hom. Heki seeker Basham Paritam. Hailikenam. Hi, Ram. Hidaiki seeking up. But it neha mayoskanam. Hi Ram. Hi Ram
@Kumar002 · 0:33
Thank you. Hey, thank you for the invitation. I liked I like the song. First of all, I would appreciate the choices that you make while singing a song. Nice song. And you song it well, I think there is a background music you are trying to use in this song. That's good. Lovely song. Gum hekisike me villas of. Yeah, I would like to hear more. Thank you
Happy Bird
@Selina · 0:26


Good morning. Thank you so much for appreciating the lines that I song. That's a really nice song. I really like it. And, yeah, I did try to use some sort of music in the background. I'm glad it came through. And the way you sang was absolutely brilliant. You have a fantastic voice. Do sing some more. I would love to listen. Thank you and bye
