Naming the concept doesn't magically eliminate the questions. 😀

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It's like it shuts everything down and I don't understand why they would do that. And I'm sort of a deer in the headlights of. Great, thanks. You've given me this language, but what do you want me to do with that? I've asked you questions, and I'm saying in response to what you're talking about, what about this? And what about that?
Adrienne Blevins
@Winning_life21Β Β·Β 1:15
I've ran across those type of people all the time and it's nothing else you can do about it. You're wasting a lot of time trying to figure out why they are doing what they do. When your questions are, I'm quite sure, the thing that they have thought about and they don't want to answer that, they are totally against it and then it's just going to create an argument within their rightness, if that makes sense


The type of people I was referring to, but hadn't actually elaborated on. Like, we'd been having conversations for extended periods of time where questions were welcome and wrestled with. But it's like you reach a certain point and for whatever reason, and maybe they're not even conscious of what they're doing
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 2:39
We both know about rejection, we both know about religious abuse. So I don't know what idea is so it's so controversial that we can't see, people can't see eye to eye on it. Why does it have to stop? Because you have additional questions or you just got to the point where you had additional questions?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 2:56
But for it not to go the way as you plan it can sometimes create this sort of thing. Like, you know, you get irritated almost now in the sense of the person, you know, matching what you're saying as a word

@RoosterCollins "Ditzy? I prefer the term intellectual badass." πŸ€ͺ That's right!

I'm not sure I followed you entirely, but I got the gist, I think. And, you know, realistically, in these conversations that I'm thinking about, there was not a controversial topic necessarily. And I don't think it was about them rejecting me so much as it was I somehow inadvertently triggered something for them. And I know triggered is a triggering word, and I don't mean it that way
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I did not know there was a word for this, but now that you recognize what it is that I'm talking about, let's talk about the questions that fit within the framework of cognitive linguistics. Right. And so, on the one hand, there's a recognition of, in some cases, they can recognize that I'm far behind, and then there's other times they can recognize or maybe not when I'm ahead, especially if I'm not using the right quote, unquote right language
Isoellen Writes
@IsoellenΒ Β·Β 5:00
And, you know, there are all kinds of labels that, well, he's a Christian, so therefore, you know, whatever, or he's a Biden voter or he's a Trump voter or he's a, he is an evolutionist or he is a mathematician. And so you put these labels on and then somehow this person becomes all these assumed things


I think if I were to sort of try to guess at what's necessary for this to happen is that each person that's participating is if they're comfortable with either admitting when they're wrong and admitting when they don't know something, that's powerful, right? Because they're comfortable in their own skin, which also makes anybody else comfortable as well. And so it almost creates this sense of safety, because we're not playing any of these other games like I've definitely had
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:47


But then I want you to think of how people that don't need to know how to read music can convey a message. And this goes back to how music evolves. And then you see it evolve through culture where people can just play music by ear. Yeah, it's wonderful. It's how we communicate. Like, you can play a song and it can lift you, it can convey an idea. It could be in a different language and you can understand what's going on
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 1:54


So that was all knowledge lay knowledge, most of it gained from a documentary that I just linked on this well made by the BBC celebrating Beethoven's life. Highly recommend it. Plum, if you got time to kill, if you want to actually deep dive into what I was talking about and let it all sink and click in, this is a masterclass in the life of Beethoven. All the information I know about Beethoven is contained within this three hour video
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And so what I was trying to communicate to them was that, you know, just because we can point to certain aspects and correlations of there's more going on in these larger patterns of systems of human behavior, to really say where the origin came from and derive any sort of meaning from that
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:56


And they'll ask me, are people patriotic where you come from? And I'll be like, no, they're not. And they'll say. And they'll say. Probably say, well, what faith do they have, sir? And I'll be like, they don't have any, sir. Most of them are atheists. And then they'll respond, well, by golly, J. West, that doesn't make any damn sense. What were the crusades for?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 5:00


You know, they don't know what they are. Russian, Soviet, Nazi, Greek. They're their own thing. Bulgaria is a very special place on the planet, according to my friend that I made there told me as he took me on a tour, my last day off there in Sofia. And toured me all these amazing ancient places and showed me these ancient tombs and telling me about how during World war two, the United States and Nazi Germany both blasted the hell out of Bulgaria
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Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:59


We were just sitting there having a good time. And then pretty soon, our boss walks out. The guy that's in charge of everything, the guy's signing the checks. He shouldn't even technically be there. And he walks in front of us as we're all sitting there. And he leans against the pillar. Now behind us is a glass window. And he's looking over my. Over us into the. Into the bar area. And he starts to tell the story


And it's been a while since I've read that book. I need to read it again. And so, like, if we're talking about music again and the discussion came back around again, too, is this a universal language that everyone understands? And we can talk about those cultural differences of the wobble of the head or whether to cover your mouth or not when you sneeze or whether it's polite or not to belch at the table or


I'll say Canada, and so they make an assumption there, but then they'll start bad mouth Americans because they don't think there's any Americans present. Sometimes I'll say something, sometimes I won't. But it took a while to sort of, I don't know, just acknowledge, like, all the ideas or thinking that we're brought up thinking
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:50
And a lot of times now that selfishly his dad has remarried and has a younger kid, I can use that as my excuse. He's got a lot of holidays lately because I'm like, oh, I'm out of town. I'm doing this, I'm doing that. We're going here. We're going there. So he was with his dad for the holiday weekend


I think it's like, because communication is so much a dance between two people, there's going to be times when we're picking up a different medium, let alone a different tool, like a paintbrush or dancing, and we're not necessarily going together. We're not sensitive to listening to. You know, there's just so many different things involved. It's so easy for communication to go awry
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 3:47


Not everybody can take Adderall and Ritalin or whatever, and it'll work out the same. Some people actually end up doing very poorly, becoming drug addicts, severely damaging their dopaminergic system. There's a lot of outcomes to using these pharmaceutical medications that people simply aren't aware of. And if they actually paid attention to what they were doing, maybe they would figure it out. But that's just my two cent


For me, when someone, you know, when you're creating, you're cooking a dish and you're seasoning it, you don't want to add too much salt or too little salt. You need just the right amount. When someone gives compliments to me in that sort of seasoned way, I tend to believe it more often. But when there's, like, the whole salt container dumped into the dish, I have a really hard time believing it. And let me clarify
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:58


That seems to be a weird association that people make in their head. Like, oh, you're a Christian. Oh, you must be. You must want to kill everyone and be, what do you like? What does that even mean to people these days? Like, when you actually like christians, like literal christians, like people that have been going to church and go to church and worship every Sunday religiously. Like, don't miss a beat. It drives my soul
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 5:00


True Christians, true Christians that have faith and believe will vote. But we know it does not matter at this point in the game because we have studied the book and we may be crazy but we have determined that we are in the end phase of the operation and that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. It's undeniable. American life is coming to a shriek
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 2:36
So after listening to that rambling mess where I probably made you feel all kinds of ways, I think you're great. And I honestly think that you're my friend, Plum. I've thought that you're my friend this entire time. And, yeah, every time I see that you reply on my stuff, I actually get excited because you always have something interesting to say. And as long as I don't do the things that you're not comfortable with, we can interact

@RoosterCollins (1/2)

And sometimes those words get tainted or twisted or, I mean, I can understand your feelings about, for example, anyone's negative feelings towards christians. Nobody wants to be lumped in with a group in a negative fashion, especially if we don't see ourselves as a part of that negatively labeled group. But at the same time, I think it's, it's understandable when. Let's try this again

@RoosterCollins (2/2)

And anyway, so I can understand why it happens, and I can also understand your feelings of not wanting to be lumped in with the group either. I feel like there was something else I wanted to say, but I can't think of what it is at the moment. But in the meantime, what draws you to Vegas? And by the way, you would have to teach me craps. I've never played it
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:50


And, yeah, I'm not like the table game stuff. I'm interested as far as gambling goes, I think I could probably make a living as a card player. My grandfather ran a card game my whole entire life. Like a real card game, you know, where he was taking some skim. But, you know, I got a certain set of skills, as they say. But, yeah, I'm just at the point now where I just need something new
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:59


We don't appreciate the fact in this country that we are a christian nation. And that's hard for people to hear. But in 1776, there is only one God, and we are one nation under that specific God. And that's not a contract that we signed, you and me, plum. That's a contract that our ancestors signed. And now, 250 years later, what has happened to this country? Well, as a Christian who wants my religion to be respected and not desecrated
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:57


I want people to know to that every single man that practices Islam is an extremist. And what that means, it doesn't mean that they're violent or whatever. It just means that when their end times come, they're going to be very, very violent, because there's really, like, nothing in their religion that says you shouldn't kill and take. And it's a very
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 3:01


Also, plum, yesterday was a wild day. I was, like, talking about sleep deprivation, a lot of it very, very intoxicated with the marijuana all day long. And the conversation. We had remembered everything. But I was, oh, my goodness. I was on my phone a lot yesterday. But yeah, we had that interaction. I came in nice and smooth


It just looks a little different. So if someone wants to say that this was, is a christian nation, I mean, it's arguable to even put the word Christian in front of nation, because Christian, I don't think, is what we're seeing these days. But. But I think instead it's. I don't even know what word I would use
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 5:00


You've now upset an entire group of people, citizens of the country that you're in charge of, a country that is a christian nation, and you use the terms the year of our lord. Okay, so there's a thing within christian faith right now, that the pope is an apostate pope because he has blessed, has instructed the church to bless same sex marriages. Now, do I think that people of the same sex should not be able to be married?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:34


It signs that you are beholden to what the pope says, and that as a Jesuit, you will openly and secretly engage in warfare against all Protestants and liberals. And when the time comes, you will, and it says this in the document, make them unalive. And make their children unalive. And tear their children from the wombs and make them unalive. Unalive. Smashing their unalive heads against rock. It's very brutal. And this is an ancient, ancient
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It kind of reminds me of the swell you just did about the guy you told you didn't like and he was, how dare you, as a fellow Christian. Yet only this time we're talking about a nation that's supposed to be a freedom of religion is instead freedom for Christianity. Right. If you don't do live govern, as we say, you're going to suffer the consequences. Like, that's hugely problematic
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 0:52


But if I were, if I were, if I did have a load of hate in my heart for a specific group of people, and then the president of the United States says, hey, that specific group of people that you hate, the holiday that you've celebrated since you're a child, that represents Christ, we're going to make that a day for them. Now. Thats what he did, plum. So I dont understand why youre upset at me for something that the president did
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 2:31


And you can choose to believe that or not because in the last however many years, decades since 911, the term Islamophobia has come up. But I'm okay with that. If people are ready to bash christians the way that they do, I am prepared to go to war against Islam, all Islam, whether you're the good kind or the bad kind. We're going into a holy war now
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And it's this elitist perspective that Christians are owed something, or that they own the nation, or that the rest of us must conform is what I take affront to. And I may have said this before, and if I did, apologies. But it's like if Christians didn't have this elitist perspective, I'll say some christians to make it more fitting
article image placeholder@RoosterCollins
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 3:08


Again, plum, I can't change your opinion. I can only go to war and die so that you can have it. So again, I say a lot of things and I stand by everything I say because ultimately I'm going to have to sacrifice my life because it has to be done in order to secure the freedoms that everyone appreciates. And I wasn't. I'm not going to be the first and I won't be the last
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Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 1:54


And when you are no longer emotional about it, when you no longer feel that you need to approach it with emotion, when you can feel like you can approach it with care and kindness, knowing what I told you is not a joke. It's real. I'm gonna go sign up for the military because I'm a medic. A very experienced medic. And yeah, it's either that or wait for them to come and get me