An Atheist's Take: Language & concepts of God that can negatively impact embodying His character...

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I think that when there are ideas around who or what God is, and there's ideas of wanting to take on or embody the character of God, there's some really nuanced territory that we have to be careful of. Right. I came across something tonight. Someone described their idea of God as the ultimate referee and that he will step in when necessary, when the playing field is not equal

#AnAtheistsTake #philosophy #language



And the thing is, too, is that, like, with respect to language, we're talking about a culture from thousands of years ago, depending on which religion one looks at, but, right, potentially thousands of years ago, a culture that's almost alien to us. Language that would have been translated through different multiple languages to get here. And then is the meaning that was intended, the same meaning that we have for things today


And I'm just so tired of seeing the titles of the swells, let alone any of the thoughts that are there in, and thinking that I need to keep my mouth shut for everyone else. I don't agree with that. And what am I doing? So I was just like, forget it. I'm gonna. I'm gonna do it. So all that just to say thank you. I really appreciated hearing that
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Balah M.
@BalahΒ Β·Β 2:54
And that spec again goes to respect, because I respect the conversation, I respect your point of view, I respect your experience, I respect your background, I respect all of that. So my whole idea with God for me became a synonym word for guide. So whatever guiding you becomes your God. So I see that God is a guiding light
Tiffany Jager
@Radical_4JesusΒ Β·Β 2:08
You know, my heart was to reveal the heart and character of God as best as I've come to learn it, and I'm still learning it. And also, I loved a statement you used pertaining to the analogy of God being like a referee. You said it was containing, restraining and squishing God into some kind of human narrative that limits him. I may adopt that phrase from here on out, so thanks


But to me, it feels like it fits a lot with what you're describing and that I can get behind. You know, I don't. I wouldn't call it God. I wouldn't. Guiding light makes me a little uncomfortable, like, and feel. I don't know why I think I need to think on that. But I like the idea of


My brain thinks in visuals, trying to translate it, like wiggly, squishy, cloudy, not cloudy, like intangible and amorphous. And movement around language. I don't think that did the justice. What I'm trying to say, though, is that there's like degrees, I think, of language choices and, quote unquote, accuracy. I don't even like that word because I don't think there's necessarily an accurate word choice
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:45
Okay, I think it, and I'm going to do the steps. And the universe responds accordingly. God responds accordingly. And so, like I said, it's very complex, and I wanted to add my interpretation and thoughts to the thread


Even if there is a God, which I can't definitively say no, but even if there is, I would imagine, like, we have to take more responsibility and accountability than sometimes some people do, right? Because there are, there is a cause and effect, and if we take that out of our realm of responsibility and instead say it's all on God or it was because of the influence of the devil. I just am thinking, too, of times in the past
Tiffany Jager
@Radical_4JesusΒ Β·Β 4:59


I can't speak for everyone else, but this follower of Jesus welcomes that. And, you know, we may very well disagree on some things, and that's okay. I'm not trying to, quote unquote, convert you. My heart and passion is just to share the father heart of God with everyone I crossed paths with. And, you know, I can tell that you've been religiously abused, because I have, too. So I can identify with that
Tiffany Jager
@Radical_4JesusΒ Β·Β 3:22


And, you know, I say that I'm sharing the wrestling supplications of my soul. And if you've listened to anything like some of the poems I share on there, you can hear those wrestling supplications, those questions that I am wrestling with as a believer, someone that claims to be radical for Jesus. And I don't just claim that. I live that out and the people in my life can testify to that


That said, I have no desire to, as you say, explore the character of God, but I do think that we can definitely have conversations and be respectful about it and yeah, see where they lead
Tiffany Jager
@Radical_4JesusΒ Β·Β 2:35


But, you know, so many conversations surrounding Christianity is led by fear. And I've personally seen more damage and hurt than anything else. But yes, my little niche, if you will, on this platform is to invite others to explore the heart and character of God with me. But you said you're not interested in doing that, and that's okay. That's your prerogative. However, I am curious to hear more about what led you to where you are today


It's ultimately about how can I nudge things a little bit this way and a little bit that way, either overtly or more covertly or quickly or long. And I have to say that at this point in time, I have zero desire to set up that game board in order to head in that direction, long or short. Maybe at some point, because sometimes you enjoy that back and forth, but at the moment, I'm not up for it
@homosanityΒ Β·Β 4:47
I know that, well, I'm not going to get into everything, but I, you know, it can get into a big argument and turn people off. I'm just going to say that I'm okay with everybody's feelings. Spiritual journey, because there's so many commonalities in that. And I'm okay if somebody is an atheist, you know, as long as you're not hurting anybody or a hateful person
@homosanityΒ Β·Β 4:47
And my whole sexuality was restrained, and I didn't come out till I was 39. And I think really, not that the youth shouldn't be taught anything, but at all on spirituality, but I think youth should live their life and maybe come to that later. I'm not sure. I haven't decided, but I just. That's something that still, I haven't formulated yet. But I agree with you. I think


Because there are verses that talk about being set apart, the chosen people and so on. And he is the way, the truth and the life. Whenever you take these ideas as absolutes, as capital letters to represent each of those words, then there can be little room for anybody experiencing the world differently. And it creates this superiority complex. And to some extent, I don't entirely fault the people who believe this way because the scriptures support it
@homosanityΒ Β·Β 4:34


I'm gonna start this with stemming from it being a spiritual problem. Spiritual versus a language problem. If you have somebody that is not taking this from a spiritual place and it's just going from it from a language place, that's where you get into trouble. Okay? So if it's that I have to name the name of Jesus


And I would say that in both groups, while you might say the one is more head oriented, looking at the words and the context and so on, it still had those underlying thoughts and beliefs of apartness and the chosen, as well as the people who did the more interpretation of the scriptures. And I also think that, like, if one believes that God created us, he gave us a brain, he gave us, you know, the fullness of who we are, what we are
@homosanityΒ Β·Β 5:00


So when you describe those to me, I can definitely say that I've experienced both of those also to be either very, on one end, very fluffy kind of mantras, or very like a dogma, or can kind of be used oppressively


And I think religiosity can also be more of a means to control and dominate people, like using the scriptures or the authority of God. And I don't think all christians do this by any stretch of the imagination, but I think that some do. And I think I would describe at the moment, maybe I'll change my mind, but at the moment I would describe all of these things as religiosity
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