April Fool's: "Why so serious?"

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What isn't, what is something that someone is believing, but it's just something they're believing that's not true. Or is it? They're pretending to believe it, but it's a prank. You know, people will say, you know, they understand that autistics take things literally and they think that. Maybe we think that when it's raining cats and dogs, we actually think it's raining cats and dogs. No, we don't think that

#ActuallyAutistic #sdp24Apr1 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @heidi

Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73Β Β·Β 4:23
And the second thing I came across that is very true and often lost in the day is in victorian England, in victorian times, it was considered that if both parties, the fool and the puller of the prank, weren't laughing, then the prank was viewed as unacceptable, a complete failure, and there was some shame on the person who pulled the prank. So I think if we kind of went back to that view, it would be perhaps easier for many of us to accept


I also really like the idea of there being the shame aspect, which I'm not necessarily one to celebrate or appreciate shame, but it's almost like, because there would be, you know, that if it's not found funny by both the prankster and the person being pranked, then there's almost like, you put more consideration into the creation of the prank, as well as choosing who you're going to prank in order to avoid that pain
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:48
OB is obstetrics. And she was like, no. What update? I was like, well, I just spoke with their director and their chief Ob GYN, and there is a set of sex tuplets that are coming, and we were already short staffed. We didn't have any bed capacity to take on more patients. And they were like, what? Even our doc was not in it. So he was like, what? I was like, so we got to get discharges, whatever


You talked about Krispy Kreme, and I have not had a Krispy Kreme doughnut in many a year, but it was a nice reminiscence for the mouth. Thank you for that
Heidi H
@heidiΒ Β·Β 2:09


I did share my April fools story, and I only did it because my friends were in with it. It was very harmless. But I don't like getting pranked, and I don't like doing pranks. They overwhelm me. Just the thought of actually having to set something up and do it really makes me crazy. And you also talked about the baby cheese trend. I always thought that that trend was kind of mean


Oh, my goodness. I resonated with so much of that. I loved that. You know, you go up and talk to the characters, and that interaction, you know, it reminds me of how I feel about social audio. Like, in real life, I don't just go up to talk to people or start conversations or jump in the middle of conversations, but social audio feels safer. There's, like, a lot of the