Lacie Bateau
@Scrambledbrnz · 2:14

Commitment to Things

We love anything to do with information and we'll read it all up. We'll research and do all this stuff and then, okay, I've got that. Let's move on. When I was in school, my mother called me a quitter all the time. And I wonder if that stuck with me. And subconsciously, I'm unable to commit to things. My marriage I've been married for 21 years



It's funny, even before you got there, I was already down that path of neurodivergence. I used to feel the same way. People talking about, oh, you don't finish it or you don't stick with it, or whatever the comments are. But my thinking is this now it's kind of like if you pick up a book and you get part way into it and you find out it is a terrible book, why would you continue with it?
