Sayama Dhiman
@Sayama27 · 3:16

To the friend who didn’t say goodbye..

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I suddenly found your name deep down, something which I despise a lot because your name used to be at the top. Normally. Now we have less text and more dates in our charts. Whenever I would try to initiate a conversation, you would either reply after 24 hours or text me back. Talk to you later. Is someone always too busy for someone? After all, this world runs on physics, philosophy and poetry for you

#sayitonswell #shareitonswell

Kaveri Bhatt
@kaveri_bhatt · 2:06
It has got nothing to do about how busy the person is or did he get a new bunch of friend. Even if he has got a new bunch of friend, he should treasure the gem he once had. And if he's unable to do that, I would say just let him go. I don't think that his goodbye should be important enough for you. It's your beautiful heart which wants a good ending, good closure. But good closures barely happen