Sasha Runyen
@sasharunyen20 · 1:23

Taking Myself on Dates!

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Sometimes I'll be at work or wherever I am, and I just, like, am so excited for my next little slice of time to myself, whether it's like reading a book or going and getting a little snack or treat or something just on my own or going for a drive or a walk or listening to music. I really have such a great appreciation for my loan time and getting my recharge

I love my alone time!

Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 0:31
Hi. So I really like this swell because I think it's really important that we're not just remembering to take the time to have alone time, but appreciating it like you were saying, and actually appreciating and spending that time with yourself. I think it's really important, and not even just for your sanity and whatnot. But it makes you more confident almost who you are. Kind of, yeah
grace pouri
@gracepouri · 0:22
Hey, Sasha. So it's really cool that you do that, you know, and take care of yourself and pretty much get your alone time. I wish I did that more. I feel like I don't really get much alone time here because, you know, I live with a bunch of people, and then I have work in school, so I feel like I definitely don't put aside much time for myself
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tricia Londres
@trishyoga · 2:40

#mentalhealth #self-carematters #honoryourself

There's nobody that can dictate your own self care routine, self care regimen. If you want to dates yourself every day, nobody can dictate that by yourself. And even that alone, allowing yourself to be kind and to say, I need more than just one day for myself. I need a couple of days. I need a couple of moments. There's certainly a lot of things that you can do by yourself, quote unquote, dating yourself
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