Santiago Altriaga
@santixs · 4:38

All that I am

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All your experiences, all the things that you had to pass in your life to get right now in this moment, bring you here to discover who you really are. And that is why I decide to decide to write this title, all that I am. Because I was thinking about who was. Who left the friendships that I left the friendships that I have, and all the decisions that I take to get this point

Thinking about this moment in my life

MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 3:17
For some reason, people don't just learn another language for fun. I learned some span, I learned some Spanish when I was in high school, and I've got a couple of friends that speak Spanish, but I don't really speak it anymore because I haven't had to. But again, you're doing a fantastic job. So don't ever, never second guess yourself. Never wonder if you're giving the message
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 0:20


Incidentally, Santiago, my favorite song is smooth that Santana did with Rob Thomas. That's my favorite. I do like Maria. Maria. But this is my favorite
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Santiago Altriaga
@santixs · 3:55


Santiago Altriaga
@santixs · 2:32


MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 2:12

@santixs https://s.swell.life/SUAqCJ7C8oxJHR0

He was in matchbox 20 at one time. So you're right with that poetry. I don't really write poetry. I have written poetry in the past. I love reading poetry, but I'm not. I don't know. I don't know. I'm just not very good at it, I guess. I write stories. But I would love to read your poetry. I think that sounds amazing. So, yeah, please go ahead and share that with me
article image placeholderLittle Wonders