baisakhi saha
@saha.baisakhiย ยทย 2:15

#AuthorStory | My process for writing a book

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You? Frankly speaking, I don't write all the time. Far from it. I hardly ever make time for writing. I only write when I am inspired, and I do a lot of other things to be inspired. Like I spend all this time with myself, playing in my mind, fantasizing, imagining, daydreaming, juggling with possibilities that penning down my thoughts is actually the last step in the process

#SPBAuthorStory5 #SwellPrompt #TellYourStory

Belle ๐Ÿ•
@ReySkywalkerย ยทย 0:54
Hello. I thought what you said was really beautifully told. I relate a lot to having, you know, brainstorming ideas. I'm something of a writer myself, too. And I, I thought you explained your process beautifully. And I was actually thinking about the same thing, about how writers of, when they get inspiration, do they know that it's going to be like a bestseller? Do they know? And you kind of answered some of that