@RyGuyPoems · 1:15

Mental Money

Insurance pays for most of the medical bills, like the MRI and injected dye they use to illuminate the growth on her brain. And we're both free from work tonight, like the meal, medication, doctor bills, and the time we have together. But she pays anyway. As do I, though I try not to remind her and me that we're damn near broke. And each time she sighs, I fill her pockets with some more mental money and

A poem about illness

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:41
Whoa. I really like this. I love how you're taking this scene of the post meal and really exploring the depth of it without without going without being very overt about it. But there's something really like like intense and deep happening in between each moment that probably, to an outsider, would seem very banal and ordinary. Yeah. I really, really liked it. Thank you for sharing
@RyGuyPoems · 0:48


Hi, Ro. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and share your thoughts. That was something I wrote 20 years ago, and it takes me back to a time that things weren't so great. But, you know, life has a way of surprising us sometimes. So the good news is everything turned out on a positive note