
Let's talk about fish

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Or like, previous experiences with fish, whether it be your mom or dad taking care of fish when you were younger or even going fishing, it's just a bunch of crickets in this room right now. I'd rather have people talk about random s*** instead of just be like, I don't know anything about that. I'm not going to say anything


Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 5:00

Fish are cool

And then the Blackfish turned into goldfish. And I was like, Whoa, I'd never seen a baby black goldfish, you know, because in the store they were gold. But these ones were black. And the babies were the size of the fish that we had originally got. But they were still black. And I don't know if it's like a thing to try to blend in, like, camouflage. And then later on, they're like, bold. I don't know
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 1:06
And it was rainbow trout. And that was the first time I'd seen a rainbow trout in person. And it was quite tasty also, because we literally pulled it up, cleaned it and threw it on the frying pan. It was like, literally the freshest fish you could possibly have. And it was at I think that was around maybe 9000 foot elevation. So very interesting experiences. Ciao for now
Vincent. Yeah. Goldfish are notorious growers. They get really big and people don't realize how big they're going to get. They'll eat and eat until they die. So they'll keep growing. And people don't know that. So they buy, like, super small tanks for them, and then they outgrow them. And then some of the owners don't feel like upgrading their tanks. And it's sort of sad
I went to Lake Placid recently, actually. And I got to hike some trail or Hill called like Cobb Hill. That was a mess. But luckily they had not a highway but a road that went up their biggest, not biggest. But it was a really freaking big mountain, I guess called White Face Mountain. And so my mom took me and my siblings up there with the car, and it was crazy, just surreal to look at. It was really cool
So when I was younger, like, really young, like, four, five, six. I don't know. I used to go to Canada with my family. My grandparents were friends with someone who owned a cabin, been up there. And so we would go up during the summers. And I remember the first time my sister caught a fish. I didn't catch anything. I was a bit jealous, but whatever. She was really proud of it
They remind me of, like, little shovel heads, but they're like the size of my palm, and my palm is pretty small and they can even get smaller. Both fishes are pretty aggressive. So you need a really tiny fish in there that won't compete, and they'll swim in, like, a different part of the tank. And I sort of want to get shrimp because shrimp are cool and they're tiny and cute, and they're more active than you think they are
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 4:09
For the last twelve years, I've essentially had unlimited time to study and follow up on anything I was curious on. So that was what I was talking about in those different phases. I find in art. I go through big periods of consumption of information, and then I go into this period of synthesisation. I like that word synthesisation. It's a new T shirt. Do you synthesizeation? I do. So when I size it, it comes out in different ways
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 4:09
Those types of paintings, you just have to be confident and just go with it. And some of them came out super amazing, like, as I progressed through it. And one of my drawings was actually I drew something that I had drawn in second grade, and it was these birds on this Thistle. And I just loved the way I had outlined it. As a kid with a crayon. And I was like, wow, that's amazing. I wonder if could do that now
It was sort of humbling. I was like, wow, something in our world like, that exists. And I'm just a tiny human being. I can do a lot of stuff, but this guy couldn't and really new stuff. It was cool
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 4:26
And there's, like, a gentleman's club or some kind of club there that has not gentlemen, like in a stripper, but like, gentlemen's club, like in the old fraternity type of way, like a group of men got together and wanted to save this place because of its historic value. That's a better way to state it. And we got to go there and walk through it and experience it
But basically, you take a metal slab, like a really thin slab, and you take this tool and you put, like, really thin grooves in it. And then you carve into that metal and image a very detailed image. And depending on how hard or soft you carve into the metal, it creates value. And then you take an ink and you carefully roll it on there and you put on a piece of paper and you roll it on there. And then you have a beautiful print
I could count to, like, 100 in Italian when I was 14, and I did speak a lick of Italian. And I know Spanish taught myself a little bit of Mandarin. Pretty scratchy, though, or rough. Yeah, I don't know. But yeah, I love languages. They're great
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 3:50
Now I decided to just draw a bunch of fish shapes, but overlap them, essentially drawing kind of an s and an s and then just simply doing an art and an arc and was able to overlap all these shapes that by themselves look like a little fish. But when you stack them all together, it looks very interesting. I was thinking of etsying. That's another term for that style of print making. He has a stone that is like, oh, gosh, how big was that thing?
Honestly, I wouldn't mind talking to people about fish, and this has been like a really recent interest. Actually, I just got into it again, but a selfdriving trailer or whatever. That'd be sick. I'm totally about that. But I also love hoarding things. I love looking at things and just keeping them because I like the way they look. And I feel like trailer would be pretty restrictive on the amount of things I can take with me. So I don't know
I think I've actually struggled finding occupation to stick to because I go through these, like small episodes of curiosity and interest and like very specific things, like Aquascaping, for example. I guess I just burn out. I don't know. I absorb so much information, all that I can within a short amount of time, and then I don't pursue it or just forget about it. And then it's sort of like an abandoned dream. It just never happened
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 4:08
I see. So you're more on the allowistic side, more strategically lazy. That s what I called it when I was 15 after I went on that backpacking trip, five day, 50 miles backpacking trip. I was over on other coast with a friend because where I grew up was really hot. So I was always trying to go to the coast because it's cooler on the ocean out here
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 4:07
But I need to take a little break and let my phone charge up and I will talk to you about some fishy fish stuff later. I'll listen to whatever other way of you posting here, but I'm going to take a little break from Swell tonight. Give me some water freaking smoky and hot out here, but I got my little fan. That's what you hear running in the background
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 2:41
They would call you by your name because they believe from the other side you had the choice of what day you would incarnate. And so they would remind you of that energy because every day has a different tone and a different Sunshine. It's kind of like, I don't know if you play music or anything or if you're interested in music. I don't know a whole lot about music, but it's kind of like the chord for the day or that harmonic that resonation that flow
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 0:01

https://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/index.php #result

Oops forgot to put the link
Vincent Strader
@Allowistic · 2:29
So the Mayans had 13 hours in the day, seven were light and seven were dark, and it's reflected in their pyramids also the way their step pyramids are. So it's fascinating, especially if you have any kind of interest in symbols. And there's all kinds of really cool symbols for each of the different sun signs. And their tone number system is kind of cool, too, and it's a round clock