Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00

YOU GOT TO HAVE FAITH! A brief lesson in civic, duty, honor, and #Faith! A time I wish I had gone with my gut instinct instead of rational thought...

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article image placeholderUploaded by @RoosterCollins
25, everything's a lot of things starting to plow fall into place. 5525. Oh, that's a lot of fives in there, baby. That's a lot of five. Stacking up. Stacking up. All fives, right? And when fives come together, fives cannot be torn apart. Baby, baby, baby. It's the 5 November. Hope you always would remember the 5 November. Cause family values are back now. Family values are back

Question: HOW DO WE 🇺🇸…. #sdp24Apr28 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Nya Story
@NyaStory · 1:52
Wow. You definitely said a whole lot. And I got it. I understood it. I did. I'm not going to break it down into how I feel because I don't think it needs to be broken down any further. But definitely faith above all, your own personal faith above all, because we will experience a whole lot before it's said and done. Like you said, last man standing. Ooey ooh wee. Ooh wee
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59

Agression RAPID RAPID RAPID EXPANSION!!!!!! Drummers need not Apply! #TheRoosterCollinsElite #Tight5 #HI5 #lofifly55505fiviveOH5flybynightWOATFLYBY?

I'm the improv cinematic king, the Michael of Michaels. The dream of dreams. All right, now you, my friend, can learn whatever you want to learn to say words. When you say words. And they could rhyme or they could sound alike, or you could type them out, or you could put them in your mouth and spit them out, and then they just run out of you. I'll tell you how to do it. I'll show you the tools, everything
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Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59

The only lesson you need for life: NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER UNDER ANY circumcised UNCIRUMSTACES Dith out and #Ditch a FIVE!!!!!!! Especially not

So arise, kingdom, for we are Americans, and this is our land. Do I need to sing the song for you? We wrote all the songs that tell you we're all together in this thing. It came from a very special place called America. The United States of which, the south of which, wherever it was, wherever it came from. The native son is speaking to you. And you shall listen to me as the prodigal son doth return
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Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59

2: Gratitude Y #Thanks Gracia! Tare you down❤️. Value every interaction that you have. Learn from every experience. Enjoy MISTAKES. Give….

From Texas. And it's a matter of language and understanding of things and wheat and chaff and tear and whatever. Whatever. You know, if you're in the garden, man, you know that the weeds are gonna come, right? The weeds are coming. They're gonna prop up. No matter what you do, weeds are there. You're growing tomatoes. You're not growing weeds. You're growing something else
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Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 0:56
This is so true. This is so true in so many ways that I found it. I found it witty and cool. You could do it this way. But it's so true. I got everything you were saying. It's very true. Because at the end of it all, it's just one big last hoo ha. Yay. And then for the rest of it, though they may toll. And working all of that, it's already over. It's