Ronisha Monroe
@Ronisha · 3:44

Happy Wednesday continuation

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But they said it's something called the rhinovirus going around. I never heard of the rhinovirus, but that's what they said she had. So I was dealing with that work stuff, catching up, because I was out for three days catching up on stuff. But it gave me time to really figure out my stuff, like focusing on going back to school, which I only need 36 credits. Focusing on my online department store, focusing on my stuff, me updating my resume
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 2:57


You want to come over here to make yourself feel important, then you do it. What you make of my job either once you put that to people, then all of a sudden they get amnesia. They don't want to work no more. When you say, okay, you did it, you do all of that. I'm going to sit over here and watch you do it. I'm going to watch you do it and enjoy you doing it for me
Ronisha Monroe
@Ronisha · 3:06


I'm not about to ask you all to do nothing because you all got an attitude. No, we're not doing that. But, yeah, I'm tired of it. And the work environment is already hostile, and my boy just went on another vacation. Other ladies on vacation. We haven't had a meeting in three weeks. Which bothers me. Everybody just does what they want to do, and it's sad, but I've been there