Romie herself
@Romiesays · 4:24

Insomnia Feast

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And one of the things that was a major source of entertainment at medieval feasts was food that was made to look like other food, like where you would assemble bits of a bunch of different animals to pretend to be a mythical creature that then we're going to all eat this mythical creature. But also back then, it was really considered a bad idea to eat raw fruits and vegetables because this is before any kind of germ theory of disease. And also you're using a lot of excrement as fertilizer

#insomnia #HestonBlumenthal #prank #food #aprilfools #history

faith s
@fas · 0:52

#replyweek #mammothball

You. Hey, Romie, I love your 04:00 A.m. Swell. It got me thinking of that woolly mammoth meatball. I feel a bit sick talking about it, actually. That's been recreated recently. And I thought, you know, we have the technology to replicate woolly mammoth now, and the first thing we do is make it a meatball. I'm not really sure well, that says about Arsenal. I think the making meat fruit because fruit was terrifying in medieval times is quite funny
Romie herself
@Romiesays · 3:45

@fas #pranks #ethics #tomfoolery #okra

But at the same time, I do think you're quite right in the sense that I don't like pranks, which is a little bit strange because I do like absurdity and I also like being challenged by concept art. I'm kind of the avant garde. I quite often like engaging with very provocative let's examine this as if it's a different thing
faith s
@fas · 4:12

@Romiesays #film #leadership #tech #ethics #friendship #anxiety #replyweek

But I think a lot of it is down to being, I guess, in a space that isn't necessarily one I initially identified with. For example, right now I'm doing cowork at the British film institute. We have this great facility in London on the river where this space and lots of people are filming come and work. And it's just a really nice space. It has a film festival wise, and just really reminds me of who I am
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