Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 4:05

Too Woke, So Broke

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If there's a biological men in the race, if there's biological men in the race, that's what needs to happen. But as I stated in my Political Bomb show coming out on Friday, it's a good first step. Don't pose with these infallofers. Don't do it. Stay away from them. So I am loving this a lot. But what do you think of my T shirt, by the way? It's not just a T shirt

https://s.swell.life/STf8d87d55ukoZ4 #tshirt #activist #conservative

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:24
Yes, you added some adverbs, but woken broke is not original. It's been around for quite a while, but good luck to you, what you're selling of your merchandise. And I think most people celebrate going woke and going broke by buying versace, prada, fendi, these companies that never have to go woke, and that's why they're not broke, right? These high designer fashion brands that people love and exalt