But I just feel like that's a very unrealistic way of living to say, oh, I'm not going to have expectations. It's almost like, okay, my parents. So if I didn't have any expectations in my parents, that's almost like saying, oh, well, I don't expect them to love me. So if they don't, then it's all good or same when you get married and you have a spouse


Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:43
I think we've all been there where we've had friends, and then one of us is putting in more than the other. But when it comes to expectations for people, I have very low expectations, if I'm being honest with you. I don't know if that's because of everything that we've experienced in the last, like, three, four years, but I just have lost a lot of faith in humanity, and it's not really something that I'm used to feeling
CinemaReel L.
@ReelTalker · 3:47

Losing faith in humanity

But yeah, when that happens to you, when the people in your life who are supposed to care about you, when they just do these things to you and they have no conscience whatsoever, even when you tell them that what you're doing is affecting you, that it's hurting you, and that they have no care whatsoever, or even just to not even have that kind of emotional awareness