Raz Mer
@razm · 0:26

Beautiful day

You. The closer you walk to God, the less room for anything to come in between, train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Have a great day, beautiful people. And lastly, trust God, even if the answer is feet

Its a beautiful day today …feeling gratitude and happiness

Karan Dev
@Karan.Dev · 0:56
I also think that it's important to basically create a situation where or create a lifestyle, I guess, where you're constantly choosing to see the best and then trying to be optimistic. It's very hard given what all is happening in the world. But it's nice to hear this poem and the little message that you have. I look forward to hearing more from you and hopefully some optimistic poetry going forward. Thank you
Raz Mer
@razm · 0:17


I believe this perspective has helped me immensely in my personal life and it is indeed important and relevant today as everyone seems to be going through something or the other. Thanks for acknowledging my step towards Positivity and I will surely contribute more