Ram Younani
@Ram · 4:46

Are franchise films ruining cinema?

And it also upsets me a little bit because these people who are making these comments just so happen to have movies that have just come out that have tanked big time. I don't fault a lot of them. I do fault the pandemic, where people who used to regularly go to films could even out the odds. Even in a world before we had the pandemic, we had really of great films that were coming out in the cinema, that were competing against Marvel films and Star Wars films

#marvel, #dc, #starwars, #cinema

Arish Ali
@arish · 2:28
I mean, a lot of the Rings could have been a disaster, but Peter Jackson just made it an absolute masterpiece, right? And it did very well. That is not necessary. Some Westminster movies don't always do well, but in that case it did. So my point here is that filmmakers like Emergency need to go and find the next big story that they want to tell and it could be a one off story
Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:45

Backdoor pilots, recycled ideas, lazy execution

But I will ask you both to do this. Go look up the last, I don't know, ten Roland Emerick films and check out who distributed them and who produced them. It is almost always a different set of companies. And then you look at what's going on with Marvel and Star Wars, and it is obviously the same company each and every time it is bad for movie making that one company owns such a large share of the market
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:47

Dominating local theater, making it impossible for smaller films to screen

I just don't see how that can work out to anybody's advantage. It makes me yearn for the days of DVD releases so badly because movies would come into the theater, they have their cigarettes access, and then they make way for another movie
Arish Ali
@arish · 4:46

its actually a good time to make movies which have a more niche audience

And if you are a creative independent filmmaker I don't think there was a better chance of you getting realizing your creative vision than now because in the earlier time you had to get a major producer who will distribute your movie and all these theaters physically all over the country for it to be meaningful to you and make a movie