Radhika Gupta
@radhikagupta · 0:52

Yoga(Headache) my yoga instructor contact me

Hello. Good evening, everyone. Hello, everyone. Headache is one of the most common symptoms of a doctor is asked to treat. There are several types of headache and the origin of pain. The site slightly different for each one. The brain itself is intensive to pain, but many other structures both inside and outside of the skulls, having sensitive pain fibers. These include the Artes and Venus synches of the brain, the dora matter or membrane surrounding the brain and the external sclab muscles

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Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:11
Hi. Radhika Gupta. Actually, I am not so sure about headache because I am also the one who suffers from headache. It happens when I feel completely stressed and the moment when I don't take proper food and do work for a longer time, then I actually get headache. And I never actually try to know what is the major reason for headache and all. And you really put it in a different manner