Radhika Gupta
@radhikagupta · 3:15

Cervical spondylitis

Bony consistence of these vertebral arteries will cause decreased blood flow to the brain and faintestness and guidance will result. Similarly, bony overgrowth may impinde on the delicate cervical nerve roots emerging on the either side of the vertebral column in the neck arches and pain in the arms and back will result

#common deaisease mostly people #neckrelated

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:24
Hi. Radhika Gupta. Thank you so much for giving us fair insights on this cervical spondylitis. And I think one who listens well gets a correct understanding of what this is all about, what are its symptoms, how you can actually understand your undergoing through this and all. So thank you once again for putting your efforts and time and helping us out to know about this particular term. Thank you