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Fun and inspirational Tap & Talk Prompts on a wide range of topics. Use them for your own Swellcast or share with others. #SwellPromptBook

Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:54

It’s Friday, and we have prompts!

article image placeholderSwell Prompts | Find something to talk about
And then you will find a whole new set of community pages with their own prompts such as Hash Memorylane, hash thankyou hash lol, hash parenting, and many more. I encourage you to explore the page and find all the new prompts we've created for you. And remember, each of these pages has a suggest a new prompt button for you so that you can help provide your own prompts for that page. Please take advantage of it and as always, let us know if you have any questions

Swell Communities Page: https://s.swell.life/SUB4nVjKgDcDeqj #SwellPromptBook

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 0:57
Hey, thank you so much. This helps a ton. This helps a whole lot, because I've been bookmarking with, like, people, you know, try to talk to me. You all are really good at what you do. Like, I'm just gonna go ahead and say that, like, thank y'all so much. I really have tried to be out of here. And you all really taking it to the next level in terms of, like, inspiring new ways of thinking
Arish Ali
@arish · 0:11

@tim @chief2 https://s.swell.life/SUB9BxFgUz3X66C

One of the more interesting community pages we have launched. Here is the hashtag Singersong page. I know many of you enjoy singing on cell, so you may like this, so here is a link to it
article image placeholder#SingASong | A Swell Community
Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:09
Hello, swallow team. Thank you for the links. I'll definitely check them out. I enjoy this swell app. Take care. Bye now