Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:15

Rising Grocery Costs

Because when you start getting into those store brand brands, not all of them are bad, but it's kind of like I won't name any generic brands, but I don't know, some are just hit and miss. So I thought I'd do this well to kind of talk about it and maybe get your thoughts and ideas. Has your grocery bill gone up? Has it gone down?

Grocery Costs are rising and have been for a few years. Has yours gone up or down? Any tips to lessen the cost?

ash dew
@ashdew · 1:57
Also not buying too much processed food anyway, it's not healthy, right? So that is also another thing one can do, maybe. And yeah, it is difficult because at the end of the day, you need your fruits, you need your veggies, right? Like, how much can you actually really cut down? So what I do is I cut down on other things, like probably eating out or not ordering in as much as I used to earlier
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:44
You. And yeah, also buying things that you really need, like you go out with a list of items that you need and just stick to that. And also one more thing is that buying seasonal fruits and veggies because they are firstly much more cheaper and they are much more dense in nutrition than the stored fruit which are not from this season, ultimately we have to find the silver lining. Maybe it's just God's funny way of telling us to lose weight
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 0:47


Hello. Hi there. Thank you for your response on this. I think I went ahead and gave you a follow on your page, and I think that you bring up a very good point. Probably would be better for me to sort of take the strategy that you mentioned, which is sort of plan out how you're going to shop and just buy for that week. I think think also probably I should get a little bit better in cooking because my culinary skills are average at best
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:18
It. Hey, professor. 42? Yeah, I mean, the prices are getting really out of hand right now, and I wanted to reply to this swell from the angle of somebody who has a lot of dietary restrictions. You know, I don't eat dairy, and I try to avoid gluten as much as I can. And these products, right? Let's just choose something like, I don't know, alternative cheese, right? Vegan cheese
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:50


I think you can just start small. Just look for Indian recipes on YouTube. There are so many of them, vegan and gluten free. And the ingredients are not all that expensive. If you go to an Indian store, I'm sure because the prices are rising everywhere, so they're bound to be more expensive than in India. But still you'll get a much better option and
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:05


Hey, this is a great recommendation. I know that Indian cuisine can be very friendly towards my diet, so I should explore it a little bit more than I already do. My dad is from Iran, so I grew up eating a lot of cuisine from that region of the world, the Middle East, Southeast Asia. And I know that years ago he took me to an Indian market that is near my house
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:29
It's. Hey, it's JL. I agree the cost of groceries is ridiculous and it's a challenge for me because I am a mother and I have a 14 year old son and we are completely opposite. I jokingly and non jokingly say frequently god paired us together as parent child for reason to challenge me, to be to tap into the best version of myself that's already inside of me because listen, I can eat the same thing every day
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:01


Hey, Taylor. Professor 42 thank you for your response. You said some things that really got me thinking, and I might go off the rails with this, as I always do, but just the fact that you brought up that you may have some dietary restrictions got got me thinking about when I myself was very much into fitness. Now, I wasn't forced to have dietary restrictions, but I did force myself to have dietary restrictions
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:14


The reason for that was, again, because A, you could do so many things with it, but B, it was cost effective. Nowadays, there's two problems with that and I guess food in general. I kind of mentioned this with my response to Taylor, which is A, the quality of the chicken. Because I've read that a lot of what's happening in the food industry is they're making what's known as, I don't know how to describe it
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:49


Hey, great question. So what I tend to do is I try to one stop shop as much as possible, and my go to. And I know people have their preferences in terms of shopping at Walmart versus shopping at Target, so on and so forth. However, we have a ton of super walmart in North Carolina. And so because of that, I prefer when I say I'm going grocery shopping, that means I'm shopping for not only groceries, also household goods