Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:03

It was a good run

It. Professor 42 so on this platform, I think I joined this platform in 20, could be 2019, 2021. And I found this platform because I was looking for like a social audio platform. And Swell was featured on a pretty big YouTube channel. It was like a tech channel and they review apps and stuff like that. And they tried it out and they thought it was cool. So I was like, you know what, I will go ahead and try it


J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:14
And you are at a crossroads of making a decision or have made a decision to say, okay, I believe that I have reached my time, the end of my time on this platform. And you can do that with peace because you've used it with gratitude. And to the, oh, my God, it's a beautiful full moon tonight. Oh, my goodness, and what a beautiful thing. And I want to say thank you so much for your content